XELA Design System


UI Kit



Release Date

June 16, 2022

Update Date

June 13, 2022

Design & Develop Faster with all-in-one Xela Design Kit

Xela Design System focuses on beautiful user interface and UX application interoperability. 
It’s easy to learn and integrate with your projects.

Components & Variants
Components are thoughtfully built with multiple variations for dynamic use.

Global styles
Styles of colors, texts, and effects are applied to all layers. Edit in one place, change everywhere.

Light & Dark Theme
Light and dark themes are supported to fit any type of project.

Auto layout is applied for easy resizing and responsive design.

Icon library
Universal icons are prepared in three styles. Looks good in any component size or situation.

4pt Grid System
Design pixel-perfect interfaces of any complexity. All elements accord to the 4pt grid.

Download XELA Design System 👇 with Design Pro Pass
