Seeing with fresh eyes, Edward Tufte 🇺🇸 [scan]





Release Date

January 22, 2022

Update Date

February 22, 2022

Edward Tufte is a statistician/visualizer/artist, taught data analyis and policy making at Princeton and Yale 32 years, and also taught his one-day course on Presenting Data and Information to 328,000 students 1994-2020. He wrote, designed, and self-published 5 books on data visualization.

The New York Times described ET as the ‘Leonardo da Vinci of data,’ and Bloomberg as the ‘Galileo of graphics.’ He has designed and constructed a 234-acre sculpture park, studio, and tree farm in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity, and founded Graphics Press, ET Modern Gallery/Studio, Hogpen Hill Farms.

‘Edward Tufte is the revelatory retina of our time, ever connecting eye and brain in enlightening new ways.  He creates masterpieces about design that are themselves masterpieces of design.  Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth takes all that he knows into a yet deeper level of wisdom and wider realm of inquiry.  A completely delicious work.’Stewart Brand, creator of the Whole Earth Catalog“This new book by the pioneer of data visualization, Edward Tufte, is a stunner.  Getting a copy made my day.”Eric Topol, Editor-in-chief of Medscape, Professor of Molecular Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute

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